
Security Videos

Entries in BT5 (1)


TekTip ep12 - Regex Basics

Description: Regular expressions are a way to match specific patterns in strings.
Demo Setup: For the demo, I am using BT5 with eclipse and pydev.  I am demonstrating with python, but there are many other methods that could be used.
Uses:  Singature creation pcre, scripting, programming
"\w": word character
"\W": Not word character
"\d" : digit
"\D" : Not digit
"\s" : space
"\S" : not space
"\" : escape 
"." : Any character except \n (new line)
"|" : or
"{}" : Range
"+" : One or more
String: Hi, my name is 1aN0rmus.  My phone number is 555-555-5555 my address is 123 Internet Lane. 
Regex: '\d\w\w\d\w\w\w\w'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d\w+\d\w+'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{4}'
Result: 555.555.5555 
Regex: '\d{1,5}\s\w+\s\w+'
Result: 123 Internet Lane
String: saDaSDASD/forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe SAdasd
Regex: '\/forum\/Themes\/core\/images\/\w+\.exe'
Result: /forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe
Scripts seen on this episode can be downloaded at https://github.com/1aN0rmus/TekDefense.  Feel free to help out with either script.  I'm a beginner when it comes to python.

Thank you,