
Security Videos

Entries in 1aN0rmus (7)


TekTip ep14 - Pipal Password Analysis of Yahoo password dump

Last week are good friends over at Bruteforce Labs posted a quick tutorial for Pipal.  I figured the TekDefense user base may also benefit from this tool.
Description: A password analysis tool that gives relevant statistics of passwords given a password dump.
Uses:  Analyze password trends, create better wordlists, educate users
*Requires Ruby1.9.x
*BT5 comes with pipal 1.0.  Update Pipal if on Backtrack to 2.0
1.  First you will need a password dump to play with.  There are several out in the wild.  You can find some here:
For my demo I will use the recent (kinda) Yahoo dump
2.  Get the file ready for pipal:
You only want the passwords in a file for Pipal, cut out the rest.
cat yahoousersandpass.txt | cut -d: -f 3 > yahoopassesonly.txt
3. Run Pipal:
./pipal.rb ~/leakedpasswords/yahoopassesonly.txt -o yahoodemo
4. Analyze results
We analyzed 442837 passwords in this dump!
Total entries = 442837
Total unique entries = 342509
Here we see some pretty standard bad passwords:
Top 10 passwords
123456 = 1667 (0.38%)
password = 780 (0.18%)
welcome = 437 (0.1%)
ninja = 333 (0.08%)
abc123 = 250 (0.06%)
123456789 = 222 (0.05%)
12345678 = 208 (0.05%)
sunshine = 205 (0.05%)
princess = 202 (0.05%)
qwerty = 172 (0.04%)
Base passwords are password that contain a word but are not only that word:
Top 10 base words
password = 1374 (0.31%)
welcome = 535 (0.12%)
qwerty = 464 (0.1%)
monkey = 430 (0.1%)
jesus = 429 (0.1%)
love = 421 (0.1%)
money = 407 (0.09%)
freedom = 385 (0.09%)
ninja = 380 (0.09%)
sunshine = 367 (0.08%)
As we see in most password dumps, most people go with 8 character passwords.  This is a common requirement, and has been drilled into people for a while now, so no surprise there.  116 people had a 1 character password though?  I usually don't try passwords less than 4 characters when I password crack, guess I might need to bring them back in.
Password length (length ordered)
1 = 116 (0.03%)
2 = 70 (0.02%)
3 = 302 (0.07%)
4 = 2748 (0.62%)
5 = 5324 (1.2%)
6 = 79629 (17.98%)
7 = 65610 (14.82%)
8 = 119133 (26.9%)
9 = 65964 (14.9%)
10 = 54759 (12.37%)
11 = 21218 (4.79%)
12 = 21729 (4.91%)
13 = 2657 (0.6%)
14 = 1492 (0.34%)
15 = 837 (0.19%)
16 = 568 (0.13%)
17 = 262 (0.06%)
18 = 125 (0.03%)
19 = 88 (0.02%)
20 = 177 (0.04%)
21 = 10 (0.0%)
22 = 7 (0.0%)
23 = 2 (0.0%)
24 = 2 (0.0%)
27 = 1 (0.0%)
28 = 4 (0.0%)
29 = 2 (0.0%)
30 = 1 (0.0%)
Password length (count ordered)
8 = 119133 (26.9%)
6 = 79629 (17.98%)
9 = 65964 (14.9%)
7 = 65610 (14.82%)
10 = 54759 (12.37%)
12 = 21729 (4.91%)
11 = 21218 (4.79%)
5 = 5324 (1.2%)
4 = 2748 (0.62%)
13 = 2657 (0.6%)
14 = 1492 (0.34%)
15 = 837 (0.19%)
16 = 568 (0.13%)
3 = 302 (0.07%)
17 = 262 (0.06%)
20 = 177 (0.04%)
18 = 125 (0.03%)
1 = 116 (0.03%)
19 = 88 (0.02%)
2 = 70 (0.02%)
21 = 10 (0.0%)
22 = 7 (0.0%)
28 = 4 (0.0%)
23 = 2 (0.0%)
24 = 2 (0.0%)
29 = 2 (0.0%)
30 = 1 (0.0%)
27 = 1 (0.0%)
      | |                                                               
      | |                                                               
One to six characters = 88189 (19.91%)
One to eight characters = 272932 (61.63%)
More than eight characters = 169905 (38.37%)
66% only used lowercase alpha characters or only used numbers.
Only lowercase alpha = 146516 (33.09%)
Only uppercase alpha = 1778 (0.4%)
Only alpha = 148294 (33.49%)
Only numeric = 26081 (5.89%)
A common trend is for people to capitalize the first character, or add a number or special character to the end of a password. 
First capital last symbol = 1259 (0.28%)
First capital last number = 17467 (3.94%)
While months were used in passwords a decent amount in this dump, it doesn't look like days made up many of them.
january = 106 (0.02%)
february = 30 (0.01%)
march = 192 (0.04%)
april = 284 (0.06%)
may = 725 (0.16%)
june = 386 (0.09%)
july = 245 (0.06%)
august = 238 (0.05%)
september = 68 (0.02%)
october = 182 (0.04%)
november = 154 (0.03%)
december = 130 (0.03%)
monday = 48 (0.01%)
tuesday = 15 (0.0%)
wednesday = 9 (0.0%)
thursday = 18 (0.0%)
friday = 47 (0.01%)
saturday = 6 (0.0%)
sunday = 30 (0.01%)
Months (Abreviated)
jan = 1007 (0.23%)
feb = 172 (0.04%)
mar = 4719 (1.07%)
apr = 472 (0.11%)
may = 725 (0.16%)
jun = 798 (0.18%)
jul = 656 (0.15%)
aug = 504 (0.11%)
sept = 184 (0.04%)
oct = 425 (0.1%)
nov = 519 (0.12%)
dec = 404 (0.09%)
Days (Abreviated)
mon = 4431 (1.0%)
tues = 16 (0.0%)
wed = 212 (0.05%)
thurs = 29 (0.01%)
fri = 479 (0.11%)
sat = 365 (0.08%)
sun = 1237 (0.28%)
Another common trend is for users to add the year of their birth, or wedding, or the current year to their password.  While it may be surprising that 2010, 2011, and 2012 didn't have many hits if you take the source into account it makes sense.  The Yahoo dump comes from an old database that was used as part of a migration for a company that Yahoo bought call Associated Content.  This purchase occurred in 2010.
Includes years
1975 = 255 (0.06%)
1976 = 266 (0.06%)
1977 = 278 (0.06%)
1978 = 332 (0.07%)
1979 = 339 (0.08%)
1980 = 353 (0.08%)
1981 = 331 (0.07%)
1982 = 359 (0.08%)
1983 = 338 (0.08%)
1984 = 392 (0.09%)
1985 = 367 (0.08%)
1986 = 361 (0.08%)
1987 = 413 (0.09%)
1988 = 360 (0.08%)
1989 = 401 (0.09%)
1990 = 304 (0.07%)
1991 = 276 (0.06%)
1992 = 251 (0.06%)
1993 = 218 (0.05%)
1994 = 202 (0.05%)
1995 = 147 (0.03%)
1996 = 171 (0.04%)
1997 = 140 (0.03%)
1998 = 155 (0.04%)
1999 = 189 (0.04%)
2000 = 617 (0.14%)
2001 = 404 (0.09%)
2002 = 404 (0.09%)
2003 = 345 (0.08%)
2004 = 424 (0.1%)
2005 = 496 (0.11%)
2006 = 572 (0.13%)
2007 = 765 (0.17%)
2008 = 1145 (0.26%)
2009 = 1052 (0.24%)
2010 = 339 (0.08%)
2011 = 92 (0.02%)
2012 = 130 (0.03%)
2013 = 50 (0.01%)
2014 = 28 (0.01%)
2015 = 24 (0.01%)
2016 = 25 (0.01%)
2017 = 26 (0.01%)
2018 = 33 (0.01%)
2019 = 84 (0.02%)
2020 = 163 (0.04%)
Years (Top 10)
2008 = 1145 (0.26%)
2009 = 1052 (0.24%)
2007 = 765 (0.17%)
2000 = 617 (0.14%)
2006 = 572 (0.13%)
2005 = 496 (0.11%)
2004 = 424 (0.1%)
1987 = 413 (0.09%)
2001 = 404 (0.09%)
2002 = 404 (0.09%)
Red and Blue make up the majority of colors in the passwords.
black = 706 (0.16%)
blue = 1143 (0.26%)
brown = 221 (0.05%)
gray = 76 (0.02%)
green = 655 (0.15%)
orange = 250 (0.06%)
pink = 357 (0.08%)
purple = 346 (0.08%)
red = 2202 (0.5%)
white = 244 (0.06%)
yellow = 228 (0.05%)
violet = 66 (0.01%)
indigo = 35 (0.01%)
As stated previously, people tend to tack numbers and special characters at the end of passwords.  These statistics support that theory.
Single digit on the end = 47391 (10.7%)
Two digits on the end = 73640 (16.63%)
Three digits on the end = 31095 (7.02%)
Last number
0 = 17553 (3.96%)
1 = 46694 (10.54%)
2 = 24623 (5.56%)
3 = 29232 (6.6%)
4 = 17692 (4.0%)
5 = 17405 (3.93%)
6 = 17885 (4.04%)
7 = 20402 (4.61%)
8 = 17847 (4.03%)
9 = 19919 (4.5%)
 | |                                                                    
 | |                                                                    
||||| ||||                                                              
Last digit
1 = 46694 (10.54%)
3 = 29232 (6.6%)
2 = 24623 (5.56%)
7 = 20402 (4.61%)
9 = 19919 (4.5%)
6 = 17885 (4.04%)
8 = 17847 (4.03%)
4 = 17692 (4.0%)
0 = 17553 (3.96%)
5 = 17405 (3.93%)
Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 12364 (2.79%)
12 = 6416 (1.45%)
11 = 5476 (1.24%)
01 = 5097 (1.15%)
00 = 4098 (0.93%)
21 = 3669 (0.83%)
08 = 3627 (0.82%)
07 = 3598 (0.81%)
22 = 3587 (0.81%)
13 = 3548 (0.8%)
Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 9446 (2.13%)
456 = 2443 (0.55%)
234 = 2160 (0.49%)
007 = 1477 (0.33%)
000 = 1268 (0.29%)
008 = 1150 (0.26%)
009 = 1086 (0.25%)
111 = 1056 (0.24%)
777 = 980 (0.22%)
101 = 895 (0.2%)
Last 4 digits (Top 10)
3456 = 2151 (0.49%)
1234 = 1968 (0.44%)
2008 = 1033 (0.23%)
2009 = 927 (0.21%)
2345 = 750 (0.17%)
2007 = 674 (0.15%)
2000 = 535 (0.12%)
2006 = 502 (0.11%)
1111 = 436 (0.1%)
2005 = 436 (0.1%)
Last 5 digits (Top 10)
23456 = 2121 (0.48%)
12345 = 724 (0.16%)
56789 = 316 (0.07%)
45678 = 305 (0.07%)
11111 = 269 (0.06%)
34567 = 231 (0.05%)
54321 = 197 (0.04%)
00000 = 162 (0.04%)
99999 = 150 (0.03%)
23123 = 132 (0.03%)
Most popular area codes based ont the 3 character numbers found.
US Area Codes
456 = Inbound International (--)
234 = NE Ohio: Canton, Akron (OH)
Now here is some data that can be directly applied to password cracking.
Character sets
loweralphanum: 224095 (50.6%)
loweralpha: 146516 (33.09%)
numeric: 26081 (5.89%)
mixedalphanum: 23238 (5.25%)
loweralphaspecialnum: 6070 (1.37%)
mixedalpha: 5122 (1.16%)
upperalphanum: 3416 (0.77%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 3340 (0.75%)
loweralphaspecial: 2079 (0.47%)
upperalpha: 1778 (0.4%)
mixedalphaspecial: 486 (0.11%)
upperalphaspecialnum: 222 (0.05%)
specialnum: 188 (0.04%)
upperalphaspecial: 46 (0.01%)
special: 16 (0.0%)
Character set ordering
stringdigit: 185323 (41.85%)
allstring: 153416 (34.64%)
alldigit: 26081 (5.89%)
othermask: 25117 (5.67%)
digitstring: 24962 (5.64%)
stringdigitstring: 18677 (4.22%)
digitstringdigit: 4648 (1.05%)
stringspecialdigit: 2359 (0.53%)
stringspecial: 1111 (0.25%)
stringspecialstring: 833 (0.19%)
specialstringspecial: 168 (0.04%)
specialstring: 126 (0.03%)
allspecial: 16 (0.0%)
Hashcat masks (Top 10)
?l?l?l?l?l?l: 40693 (9.19%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 32439 (7.33%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 29129 (6.58%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 20316 (4.59%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 16185 (3.65%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 12632 (2.85%)
?d?d?d?d?d?d: 12583 (2.84%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 10620 (2.4%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 10310 (2.33%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 10281 (2.32%)



TekTip ep12 - Regex Basics

Description: Regular expressions are a way to match specific patterns in strings.
Demo Setup: For the demo, I am using BT5 with eclipse and pydev.  I am demonstrating with python, but there are many other methods that could be used.
Uses:  Singature creation pcre, scripting, programming
"\w": word character
"\W": Not word character
"\d" : digit
"\D" : Not digit
"\s" : space
"\S" : not space
"\" : escape 
"." : Any character except \n (new line)
"|" : or
"{}" : Range
"+" : One or more
String: Hi, my name is 1aN0rmus.  My phone number is 555-555-5555 my address is 123 Internet Lane. 
Regex: '\d\w\w\d\w\w\w\w'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d\w+\d\w+'
Result: 1aN0rmus
Regex: '\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{4}'
Result: 555.555.5555 
Regex: '\d{1,5}\s\w+\s\w+'
Result: 123 Internet Lane
String: saDaSDASD/forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe SAdasd
Regex: '\/forum\/Themes\/core\/images\/\w+\.exe'
Result: /forum/Themes/core/images/sdfs.exe
Scripts seen on this episode can be downloaded at https://github.com/1aN0rmus/TekDefense.  Feel free to help out with either script.  I'm a beginner when it comes to python.

Thank you,



TekTip ep11 - Kippo SSH Honeypot

Description: Kippo is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker
Uses:  Alert to potiential threats, watch how hackers operate, gather exploits and malware
http://bruteforce.gr/honeybox Honeybox is a distro that contains numerous honeypot software, all on a single box.  Additionally, the distro preconfigures the honeypot to utilize some of the many enhancements Brutforce Labs have created for these honeypots.
*If at home, to make this accessible from the internet you will need to enable port forwarding at your modem, and potientially your Virtual Machine software.
kippo/kippo.cfg : Main configuration file
kippo/honeyfs :  This is the fake filesystem that wll be presented to the user.
kippo/data/userdb.txt :  This file allows us to modify the username and password combinations that will work when attackers attempt to log into the honeypot.
kippo/log/tty/ : In this directory you will find the logs for each session established by attackers.
- will start kippo
/kippo/utils/playlog.py : Replay an attacker session from the kippo/log/tty directory.
Usage: playlog.py [-bfhi] [-m secs] [-w file] <tty-log-file>
 -f             keep trying to read the log until it's closed
 -m <seconds>   maximum delay in seconds, to avoid boredom or fast-forward to the end. (default is 3.0)
-i             show the input stream instead of output
 -b             show both input and output streams
 -c             colorify the output stream based on what streams are being received
 -h             display this help
~/kippo/utils/playlog.py 20121012-115031-8544.log



TekTip ep10 - Proxychains!

ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
Proxychains is a tool to force connections through multiple proxies.  What makes this tool special is putting applications without native proxy capabilities through a proxy.
Config: /etc/proxychains.conf
Three main modes
1. Dynamic - All proxies chained in order listed.  Dead proxies are skipped.
2. Strict - All proxies chained in order listed.  If a proxy is dead, the chain is dropped.
3. Random - Randomly chains proxies within the list.
-If using Random, give a chain length to specify how many proxies are used.
Other Important config options:
proxy_dns: ensure this is uncommented if you want to proxy dns requests.  If you don't DNS requests will be handled in the standard manner, unproxied. 
List the proxies use the format of:
"Type address port"
Socks4 8888
proxychains "application"
proxyxhains curl ifconfig.me
proxychains firefox
proxychains ssh root@'
proxychains xhydra

TekTip ep9 - Network Defense with The Security Onion

The Security Onion: created by Doug Burks
Description: Security Onion is a Linux distro for IDS (Intrusion Detection) and NSM (Network Security Monitoring). It's based on Xubuntu 10.04 and contains Snort, Suricata, Sguil, Squert, Snorby, Bro, NetworkMiner, Xplico, and many other security tools. The easy-to-use Setup wizard allows you to build an army of distributed sensors for your enterprise in minutes!
Security Onion is THE distro for Network Monitoring in the same way that Backtrack is for pentesting.
Uses:  Malware analysis, signature developement, honeynet/lab, home or small office.
1. Download iso and install.
*Need a GB of RAM per interface you are monitoring
**Installation is quick.  Less then 10 minutes
***Currently based off of 10.04.  Roadmap shows 64 bit based on 12.04 should be out soon.
2. If using Quick Mode installaion, TSO will monitor all interfaces
3. Monitor a network, or generate traffic.  You can find tons of pcaps to replay at: https://code.google.com/p/security-onion/wiki/Pcaps
tcpreplay -i eth0 -t /tmp/bittorent.pcap
-i :  use this option to select the interface to replay the traffic to.
-t:  use this option to replay the packets as fast as possible
then select your pcap, cap, dump, or log