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Entries in multiple proxy (1)


TekTip ep10 - Proxychains!

ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
Proxychains is a tool to force connections through multiple proxies.  What makes this tool special is putting applications without native proxy capabilities through a proxy.
Config: /etc/proxychains.conf
Three main modes
1. Dynamic - All proxies chained in order listed.  Dead proxies are skipped.
2. Strict - All proxies chained in order listed.  If a proxy is dead, the chain is dropped.
3. Random - Randomly chains proxies within the list.
-If using Random, give a chain length to specify how many proxies are used.
Other Important config options:
proxy_dns: ensure this is uncommented if you want to proxy dns requests.  If you don't DNS requests will be handled in the standard manner, unproxied. 
List the proxies use the format of:
"Type address port"
Socks4 8888
proxychains "application"
proxyxhains curl ifconfig.me
proxychains firefox
proxychains ssh root@'
proxychains xhydra